If you’re an employer, creating a working environment that encourages your teams to do their best work is vital to boost morale and have a productive workforce. Many things influence how well we work such as lighting, facilities, atmosphere, and feeling valued and supported.

Some of these things can be costly such as making improvements to your facilities, but one that can come with a low price tag and helps to increase productivity is playing background music. This not only has a positive impact on the way your teams work, but it also helps to give your clients and customers a better experience.

Music  playing to boost staff productivity

This blog post looks at exactly what background music is, why it can improve productivity and how you can play royalty-free music in your business without it costing the earth.

What is background music in business?

Background music is used to enhance the atmosphere in a range of public places such as bars and restaurants, dentists, hairdressers and retail stores. It is recorded rather than live music and comes in a wide range of genres to suit the needs of the business using it. It’s played on a loop and helps to enhance the atmosphere and create a positive impression and vibe for your business.

The type of business and work carried out at a particular premises will dictate the style and genre of music that works best. For example, soothing and calming music will help patients feel more relaxed as they wait for their dentist appointment, whereas loud rock music is likely to have the opposite effect. But faster beats and louder music will motivate those working out in a gym.

One of the main benefits of playing background music is that it can help workers and clients feel happier, more relaxed, energised or focused than if there was silence.

3 ways background music can help to boost productivity

Reducing stress

If you’re stressed or anxious, you’re unlikely to be able to carry out your work effectively and to a high standard, whatever industry you work in. Research has shown that listening to music can help to reduce cortisol levels (the hormone associated with stress) so lower cortisol levels mean you feel less stressed. 

The best type of music to do this is nature sounds or soft instrumental pieces which help to create a calming environment with lower anxiety levels, mental clarity and good morale. Our chill and instrumental ranges are ideal for creating this type of environment. 

A positive work culture that promotes well-being is a must if you want your business to thrive. Incorporating music into all areas of your business from team rest areas to front-of-house can help to create a sense of enthusiasm, relaxation and unity among staff. Happier employees create better service, higher productivity and work satisfaction which all help your business to thrive.

Top Tip: Consider playing different types of music in different areas so that the right atmosphere is created in each zone.

Improving concentration and focus

As well as creating the right atmosphere, background music can also act as “white noise” to filter out unwanted noise such as conversations and distractions that prevent employees from getting on with the task at hand. Playing music at moderate levels can improve concentration levels which helps to create better cognitive performance for tasks that require memory or problem-solving. 

For example, background music can help to increase staff productivity in the hospitality industry. Playing instrumental soul music may help staff in a restaurant remember lengthy orders or think on their feet and resolve a customer complaint if things go wrong with the food. Loud rock music definitely won’t do that so the key is to make sure you play the right type of music that enhances your team’s focus and helps them work more productively.

Motivated staff taking customer order
Happy waitress with customer
Happy reception staff

Increasing energy levels

Playing the right type and level of background music can help to increase your staff’s energy and motivation levels. This is important, for example, for retail and hospitality staff who spend a lot of their working day on their feet. Uplifting music can help them push through tiredness or get them motivated to tackle a complex or challenging task such as cashing up or stock taking.

Fast tempos can help to stimulate the brain and improve alertness so pop or dance music may be the best way to inject some energy at the end of a long shift. Injecting a bit of tempo such as our soulful funky lounge playlist at key times of the day can help to improve motivation and productivity and avoid fatigue and tasks taking longer than they should.

Top Tip: change the tempo of your music throughout the day using faster tempos when your teams are likely to be tired such as after a mealtime or towards the end of a shift

How to find the right royalty-free music for your business

Playing the right type and volume of music can have a big impact on the customer as well as employee behaviour. The key is playing a variety of music that fits the needs of your business, without overpowering or fading into the background.

At Background Sounds we’re passionate about helping you find the right licence-free music for your business that won’t cost the earth. Our service gives you PRS PPL free music which will save you money compared to having a music licence. Savings range from a few pounds to hundreds depending on the size and type of business.

With over 50 playlists from Jazz to classical and pop, you’ll find the type of music that’s perfect for your business whether that’s hospitality, medical, retail or office-based. But don’t just take our word for it, try our music for free for 7 days and see how it helps you create the right atmosphere for your business.

About us

Background Sounds is a specialist provider of royalty-free music. That’s music you can play without a PRS PPL Music Licence. We supply businesses across the UK with background music at a fraction of the cost of a music licence.

Access to the service is via our digital streaming platform and is available with a subscription. You can find out all you need to know on our home page here.